🗂️ How to Create a Components

A step-by-step guide to cataloging your vessel's components for easy access and maintenance scheduling.

Getting your vessel's maintenance and documentation organized is straightforward with PlanM8. Here's how to seamlessly transfer your daily maintenance tasks into our platform:

1. Create a Component: To create a component, identify parts needing maintenance or organized documentation like main engines or grey water pumps. On the components page, click the three dots button in the header, then select "Create new Component."

2. Detail Your Component: For each component, you could specify its system category, brand, model, and serial number.
A good rule of thumb is to differentiate components by their serial numbers if needed.

3. Add Location Photos: Upload pictures that help identify the component's situation on the yacht. When taking these pictures, consider making it easy for someone unfamiliar with the yacht to locate the component through them.

4. Component Photos: Upload photographs of the component to accurately assess its current state and facilitate its identification.

5. Upload Manuals: Digitizing and uploading manuals for each component can be a lifesaver, especially when facing issues. It ensures all necessary information is just a few clicks away.

Following these steps will help you keep your vessel organized and ready for any maintenance tasks. Remember, with the Offline Configuration feature activated, all this vital information remains accessible even without an internet connection.

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