Customer Testimonials

Some of our valued customers and their thoughts on our system.

After a decade of searching, I finally found the perfect software application in PlanM8. It is relevant to my niche of 15m to 30m yachts and has received positive feedback from my crews and owners.
The pricing is attractive, and the continuous improvement based on feedback is commendable. I'm excited about upcoming features like the PDF maintenance book and history calendar.
This app is a no-brainer for owners with professional crews and will be highly recommended to my clients and contacts. Looking forward to a long-standing work relationship.

Jens Oomes
Jens Oomes
Owner of Invisible Crew

After years of searching for a suitable maintenance application, Baxter Marine finally found the perfect solution in PlanM8. It provides alarm reminders, multi-person access, on-the-ground support, and rapid reaction support.
Chris and the PlanM8 team have made our job easier. We've installed PlanM8 on multiple vessels and are impressed with its potential and Chris' expertise.
We highly recommend PlanM8 to any vessel management team

Matthew Sage
Matthew Sage
Maintenance Manager Baxter Marine

Plan M8 has transformed the maintenance of my day boat. It simplified the management process, resulting in reduced workload, lower maintenance costs, and improved reliability.
I highly recommend it to owners and captains looking to streamline their boating experience.

Dr. Georg Landsberg
Dr. Georg Landsberg
16-meter Motor Yacht

his site is an astonishing app for captains and crews. It goes beyond expectations in helping maintain equipment and ensuring thorough checks.
Having worked on many boats, I highly recommend this platform.
Congratulations on a wonderful venture!

Staats Canada

PlanM8 was a life saver when I joined Aenea - CNB 76. It provided a clear guide for maintaining the boat, allowing me to resolve issues quickly. It's a must-have for owners, especially during crew changes.
The system's history and notes ensure a smooth handover, providing peace of mind to the new Captain and owner.

Captain CNB 76