⚡ Understanding Triggers in Maintenance Scheduling

Discover how triggers work to automate your maintenance schedule, based on time or usage metrics

In PlanM8, a trigger is what sets the rhythm for your maintenance tasks. Think of it as a smart alarm that tells you when it's time for a check-up or repair, ensuring your vessel stays in top shape. You can set a trigger based on:

- Time Recurrence: This schedules tasks at regular time intervals, like every week, month, or year.
- Distance or Consumption: Ideal for tasks that depend on usage, this trigger relies on the ship's counters, such as miles sailed or liters consumed.

You have the flexibility to use either one of these triggers or even both for a single task. When a task is completed that has both types of triggers, the app will prompt you for the latest counter reading. This ensures that the next task is accurately scheduled, keeping your maintenance right on track.

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