🪪 How to change the billing information for your subscription

How to change the previous payment method and billing information to keep the subscription activated under the right name

The payment method and the billing information must be updated at all times. In case of change of ownership or card, remember to change all the needed information.

The billing information and the payment method must be under the same name.

To update all the billing information, you can do it directly from the app. Following these steps:

1.- Go to the settings section of the app. It is the bottom right corner symbol in your mobile devices and the left column on your computer browser.

2.-Press the "Subscription" title that you will see in the list.

3.-Open the billing and payment portal.

4.-In this portal you will find the information and details of your plan. As well as your payment method, your billing information and your history of invoices.

5.-Proceed to update your billing information with the details of the person who is entitled of the card that will be used.

6.-For the last step, you can delete the previous method of payment to make sure it is not used again.

There always has to be a payment method active in the account. If a new one is not added, you will not be able to delete the previous one.