Boat Maintenance Log & Weekly Maintenance Report
UPDATE 01/06/2022: "Weekly Maintenance Report" & "UPM Notification"
For quite some time now you can use our Boat Maintenance Log: A complete history of your yacht's maintenance. Systems can be filtered for individual or group viewing or the entire maintenance log can be viewed in its entirety.
We have now also introduced a weekly maintenance report. Every Friday evening we send out an email to all users of a vessel, containing a summary of all maintenance work (planned and unplanned) that has been done during the week.
Some of you might already have seen our UPM Notification Emails. The concept is similar, but we filter on created unplanned maintenance tasks (warranty claim, modifications or breakdowns) and send this alert every evening.
A complete history of your boat
While Plan M8 was always collecting a detailed log of all your planned and unplanned maintenance, the history was only accessible through the individual component history TABs. With the new plan mate release 0.0.43 we not only have a dedicated history TAB containing all of your planned and unplanned maintenance but also included is any planned or UPM regarding warranty works or vessel modifications & upgrades.
The yachts maintenance log is chronologically descending, simply scroll through to view information related to the history of your vessel. The maintenance can also be filtered by system. Say you were interested only in specifics such as the Generator maintenance; simply deselect all and selectGenerators. From here simply click on a completed task for more details.
Attached Notes / Images / Documents to maintenance tasks?
If you have made notes, attached images or documents to the maintenance tasks (planned or unplanned), you will see the “attachments” symbol next to the maintenance type. This indicates there is additional information included with this periodic task or UPM. Simply click on the title to view the information in more detail.

Simply click on the title to view the uploaded information in more detail:

Where to find the log
Simply go onto the boat & settings tab and click on Boat History

Weekly Maintenance Report
A weekly maintenance report helps to justify the work of the management company, the engineer or the captains towards the owner. It also keeps anybody involved running the vessel informed about the current status. The report is a technical document, but as it is enriched with images it also gives the owner a quick overview of what is being done on the yacht.
We have also been requested to create other reports like
- Overdue tasks
- Work to be done next week on a vessel
- Link every warranty claim directly into a CRM system
Thanks to our API based software architecture we can customise any kind of report very easily for our clients.

UPM Notifications
Notifications are now sent via email when any unplanned maintenance (Breakdown, Modification or Warranty) is logged.
This information is very valuable for shore side support where external assistance is essential in getting the vessel to a reliable state of operation. It is also very useful for vessels still in their warranty period or that are cared for by management companies. Being stationed ashore most of the time, remote access to a planned maintenance system, provides personnel in these roles with the essential information required to find solutions to breakdowns and/or failures. This drastically helps to minimise vessel downtime during heavy use.
How does it work? Create an unplanned maintenance task, link it to the related component, describe the issue and/or solution in the text box provided and add any relevant photos or videos. Note the time any action was taken and create a periodic task for future maintenance if required. When the UPM event is recorded and logged, an automatic email is sent to all the users (viewer, operator and owner) at 6pm (CET) each day. The info sent includes the data entered in the issue & solution text boxes, as well as the time of breakdown, hours of the plant or equipment at time of breakdown and any photos, documents or videos that have been uploaded when the breakdown occurred.
What are the benefits of a structured maintenance log (PMS)?
- Peace of mind during operation and safety for those aboard during use.
- Crew changes mean valuable information can leave with departing crew, a structured PMS requires daily or weekly input meaning information stays with the vessel throughout their employment and makes for more efficient handovers.
- Contractor works are logged in the boat maintenance history and easily identified if a dispute arises.
- Proper records are kept as all maintenance is logged, costs are reduced from over engineering and spares can be ordered ahead of time as all maintenance is planned.
- Recorded service schedules and maintenance, manufacturer specific or recommended by qualified engineers/crew give confidence to potential buyers and brokerages. Enhancing the value of your vessel.
- Reduces the signs of neglect.
- When the engineer changes the history is passed on to the next crew member and maintenance is not done twice, but also not forgotten
- To maintain the value of a boat it is crucial to have a proper log of the boat's history
- Proof of work for the engineer or captain
Outlook: Upcoming features in your boat history
While you can already filter by component, you might also be interested in a full overview of all warranty claims or breakdowns, or maybe the modifications done on your vessel. Is this something you are looking for? Just let us know, then we will prioritise this feature for you.